How Cardio Helps Neck Pain


Chen's (2018) systematic review also found a positive effect of adding aerobic fitness to office workers with neck pain.


With only about 1/2 of us meeting the World Health Organisation recommendations for weekly physical activity (150 mins of moderate intensity or 75 mins of vigorous intensity per week), there is some serious upside to increasing your daily dose of cardio as a first line treatment for neck pain.


Neck pain is common, but rarely is it serious or caused by structural problems.


More often it is related to holding sustained postures for long periods and reduced blood flow to the muscles...which can cause pretty intense pain 💥 but not tissue damage as such.


3 key benefits of cardio exercise to neck pain:


✅ Increases blood flow and oxygen 🌲 to the muscles around the neck (and rest of body)


✅ Stimulates endorphins - our bodies natural pain relievers that are more effective than any synthetic medication 😻


✅ Gets you out of your mind and into your body, activating the creativity response to help problem solve any issues that might be stressing you out 🌸


As they say, Movement Is Medicine!

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Reference: Workplace-Based Interventions for Neck Pain in Office Workers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Chen 2018)

#movementismedicine #neckpain #neckpaintreatment #cardiofitness #endorphin #motionislotion
