
Our unique approach will have you feeling better right from day one with a combination of expert assessment and effective hands-on treatment. 

Who we work with:

We don't work with just anyone with jaw pain, but if you have the following symptoms there is a high chance we can help you:

  • You're over 30 and getting nagging jaw pain that's been going on months (or even years)

  • You find your jaw getting achy and stiff while eating

  • You have constant tension in your jaw and grind at night

  • Your neck is always tight and sore

  • your jaw clicks a lot (a sign of possible early arthritis)

  • you experience episodes of jaw locking

  • you are concerned about early onset jaw arthritis and want to avoid surgery

How we help you:

  1. Give you an accurate diagnosis and identify relevant contributing factors

  2. Bring rapid relief through the use of innovative manual therapy techniques (that don't involve medication or surgery)

  3. Educate and empower you to keep your jaw healthy in the long run with a personalised home exercise program

Don't delay your treatment...


The occasional ache or pain may be nothing to worry about, but failing to pay attention to strong pain may end up causing you a lot of problems in the future. If jaw pain is reducing your ability to take part in the activities your normally do, then it is time to get it looked at. In general, chronic jaw pain or clicking that is affecting your life is a sign that something is wrong.

A serious problem will not correct itself, and left untreated, can result in more pain and irreversible damage. 


If you think we are the right fit for you and you wish to get relief right away, use our simple online booking system to make an appointment.  If you would prefer to speak to us directly,  call us 1300 657 813


About us


Dan O'Grady is a results driven qualified Physiotherapist and member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.  Dan has a special interest in treating jaw pain.  He has been working in private practice for 15 years. He is passionate about helping people to move better, feel better and get back to doing what they love.
