We all experience knee pain at some point, whether its training for a half-marathon, climbing the stairs or simply just sitting with your knee bent.

Knee pain is common.

The problem is once your knee is strained, it often goes into protective mode.

This is where the outer quadriceps, ITB, hamstrings and calf simultaneously get tight, whilst the inner knee stabiliser (VMO) and glutes tend to switch off.

This can lead to pressure on the kneecap (patella) and in some cases can outlast the original injury.

This muscle imbalance can be difficult to overcome on your own and possibly become chronic but there is definitely something you can do.

Who is this workshop for?

You're a PERFECT candidate if:

  • You've got chronic knee pain that's stopping you from doing what you love - from running to gardening to playing with the kids
  • a vague dull pain in the front of your knee, that gets worse with sitting, kneeling, squatting or running
  • if you've been diagnosed with runner's knee, patello-femoral syndrome, ITB syndrome, patella tendinitis, degenerative knee pain
  • You are wanting to learn how to look after your knees and keep the healthy in the long run and avoid surgery
  • You're proactive and want a highly effective set of tools to look after your knees for the long term - without relying on medication or surgery.
  • you want a modern, scientific and evidence-based approach

Who is this workshop NOT suitable for?

  • any acute knee injuries - please see your doctor or physio
  • if you are very elderly and have trouble performing exercises on the ground

Avoid surgery

Some recent research has demonstrated that 65 per cent of people with knee arthritis and meniscus tears can avoid surgery by following a physiotherapy program (Katz et al. 2013).

The protocol involved an individualized physiotherapy treatment plan with a progressive home exercise program

Based on this research, The Healthy Knees Workshop will show you how to:

  • decrease inflammation
  • improve range of motion
  • optimise muscle strength
  • improve the way you move to protect the knee

The Healthy Knees Workshop includes:

1. Movement Assessment

We want to know how you're moving as this will help identify your key weak links that are contributing to your knee pain.

We assess your strength, flexibility and balance

However, we have a strong focus on how you are moving through the entire kinetic chain. 

Issues in the hip and ankle joints and inhibition in the core and glutes can have a 'Ripple Effect' on the way the knee joint functions. 

We'll leave no stone un-turned in the search for the underlying causes of your knee problem.

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2. Exercise Program

Based on your assessment, personalised exercise plans will be developed so you can proactively address your knee pain WITHOUT relying on medication or surgery.

We will set you up with your exercises on high definition video, uploaded to your smartphone or tablet so you will have lifetime access to your exercises at home, work or the gym. 



3. E-Book

'7 Steps to a Pain Free Knee' - a reference guide with pictures and instructions.


In this book will learn about:

  • the common causes of knee pain
  • the anatomy of the knee
  • how certain movements and muscle imbalances can give rise to knee pain
  • the latest treatment options to relieve your pain
  • effective non-surgical and non-medication based treatments for joint pain
  • specific steps YOU can take to have healthy pain-free knees

Who is running it?

Physio Daniel O'Grady, owner Kinfolk Physiotherapy & Wellness.

Dan has a special interest in the knee and has treated thousands of people with knee pain successfully over the years and is keen to share his knowledge with you. 

When and where is it being held?

Saturday July 28st 2018   2pm - 4pm

**Currently 2 spots left

To reserve your place, please follow these 2 steps:

1.  Book online via the following link:

Please click on 'Group Bookings'.

If you have issues, please call Dan 0432 898 597

2.  Pay via direct deposit

Commonwealth Bank

Daniel O'Grady

BSB: 06 2692   //    Account number: 2245 0316



Limited to 8 people (currently 4 spaces left...get in quick ! )

If you can't make the workshop, but would like to get your knee assessed and treated in the clinic 1:1, then please make and appointment online here:


Feedback from past participants:


"Practical workshop that helped me to identify what I need to do to get my knee better, not just generic info!"

- Jennifer


"The workshop helped me identify areas that need strengthening and that will make a difference"

- Annette


"Great understanding and communication of knee issues - great to find about the cause and effect"

- Peter


"I enjoyed learning about the anatomy of the muscles that are related to knee function.  It made sense in relation to my knee issues"

- Barbara


"Friendly and helpful overall"

- Ian

"Good solutions provided to help build knee strength"

- Terry

Research Link:

"Surgery versus Physical Therapy for a Meniscal Tear and Osteoarthritis, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2013"