kin-folk -
a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals

We are a collaborative practice that offers both integrated physiotherapy and a holistic approach taking you from average to exceptional health. 

Our approach is not a quick fix, but rather a long term commitment to learning about your body and establishing the fundamentals to allow you to lead an enjoyable and active lifestyle as well as perform at your best.

Our focus is on building your body's capacity so that you have a buffer or 'zone of relaxation' where you can handle with ease the stress and loads that are placed on your body in your life.  

The effort you put into building your foundation will result in:

- less pain and frequency of flare-ups that keep you out of action

- dramatically reduced need for pain medication

- increased confidence in your body

- peace of mind so you can enjoy your life without being limited by your body

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Our goal is to keep you pain-free, balanced and in-tune so you reap all the health benefits from regular physical activity.

Our goal is to keep you pain-free, balanced and in-tune so you reap all the health benefits from regular physical activity.

Acute Care Services

Physiotherapists are Primary Health Care Practitioners which means you can visit us directly, without a doctors referral.  

On your first session we will give you 4 pieces of information:

  • A diagnosis

  • How long it will take for you to get better

  • What you can do to help

  • What we can do to help

We'll spend some time mapping out a road to recovery for you with short-term goals to keep you motivated to achieve your long-term goal.  We can also refer you for scans such as x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI if required.

Wellness Services

To keep you feeling good and minimise the risk of future injury, we have a few options available to you:

Depending on your condition, some people find it useful to have a regular "tune-up" session.  This can complement an established exercise program and it can be a good time to release tension in tissues, review and update exercises.  This can be discussed further with your physiotherapist.


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